You sit well with us.

You sit well with us.


Positech Innovation inc. has been satisfying clients' postural needs since 1998. In Canada, we proudly develop, manufacture and promote leading-edge and unmatched postural support devices intended to provide the optimal posture every individual using a wheelchair.

We all know that our bodies are constantly changing, so it's essential to keep up with these changes. Thanks to our revolutionary clinical approach and innovation product design, we are able to customize all of our technocal posture aids to fit any user, regardless of age or condition. The result is optimal posture at all times.


All our products have been crash-tested and certified by University of Michigan.

Positech Innovation is proud to ensure your comfort and safety!

Crash Test

Made in Canada

We are proud to offer quality, locally made posture aids to our users.
Made in Canada

Our product linE


customizable and adjustable

Autonomy and independence

Durability and comfort

desing and innovation

our blog

Positech Innovation products are proudly approved by ADP.